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I really need your help. Just someone to listen to me. 2 years ago I fell in love with a man from Essex. He was going through a divorce at the time. We both love each other and want to get married. His wife found out about us and placed a very powerful dark spell on both of us. He hasn’t contacted me since. I know he is missing me terribly and is depressed and confused and I am the same way. I wanted to take my life the other day. I’m getting attacked a lot lately. The problem is that this spell keeps me down and every time I get money to pay someone to break the spell something always happens. His wife really knows what she is doing here. She put a spell to keep us apart and is succeeding. There was a spell breaker in the states who couldn’t break it, it’s that powerful. I have no disposable income any more to pay someone anymore. This woman is pure evil and has a real hold on him. I was told she has a image of me.
Im really needing someone’s help just even break this catch 22 with the money I need. I just need help from someone. Im so desperate. I know you people can’t do free spells you have to pay the bills. Just put me on the right path is all I ask. This spell has affected everything in my life. I am a artist and lost all desire to do anything.

Just help me in some way. This woman doesn’t love him but loves his money. She’s vain, narcissistic and cruel.

I’m begging for help.

Kind regards,

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