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  • #74788 Reply

    Hey everyone! I wanted to start a discussion about cold-resistant succulents. As winter approaches, it’s essential to know which succulents can withstand colder temperatures. Let’s share our experiences and knowledge about these hardy plants. Do you have any favorites or tips for keeping them healthy during the colder months?

    #74792 Reply
    Dimon chik

    Cold-resistant succulents are indeed fascinating and can add a unique touch to our gardens, even in chilly weather. One of my go-to plants for cold climates is the Ghost Plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense). It’s a lovely succulent that can handle low temperatures quite well. Its silvery, frosty appearance is captivating, especially when the cold weather hits. I’ve found a useful website for fellow succulent enthusiasts, jsut heck out https://houseandfig.com/cold-hardy-succulents/ for some fantastic insights and care tips. I hope you all find it as valuable as I did!

    #74799 Reply
    Igor Danilov

    To keep cold-resistant succulents thriving during winter, here are a few tips I’ve learned over time. Firstly, make sure to plant them in well-draining soil to avoid waterlogging during winter rains. Secondly, consider providing some extra mulch around the plants to offer protection from frost. Lastly, if your area experiences harsh winter weather, consider moving potted succulents indoors or into a greenhouse for added warmth.

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